segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2009

Controle e Descarte da Informacao na Era da Informacao

Os pesquisadores Clark - University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, e Lee - Southern Methodist University, apresentaram em seu artigo alguns exemplos praticos (Agricutural Programs, Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standtards e Health Care Insurance) para mostrar como a influencia do governo, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao controle e descarte de informacao, representa um grande prejuizo economico. Segundo os autores:

Large amounts of information or knowledge, which could be used to improve the lives of billions of people by improving economic decisions, are being systematically suppressed and destroyed by government censorship that is supported enthusiastically by many who claim to be outraged by government censorship of any type. (CLARK AND LEE, 2008, p. 421)

Segundo os autores, a Era da Informacao comecou ha muito tempo e para (re)afirmar seu paralelo com a Economia, Clark e Lee utilizaram a ideia de preco de mercado, fenomeno que emergiu de trocas voluntarias na propriedade privada. Esse fenomeno mostra a relevancia das informacoes referentes `as circunstancias particulares relativas ao tempo e espaco no sistema economico.

[...] it becomes clear that the information age is as old as economies that have relied largely on provate property, voluntary exchange, and market prices to coordinate economic activity. Indeed, much of the value from the recent imporvements in communication technology comes from increasing the speed and convenience with which we can access the information contained in market prices. (CLARK AND LEE, 2008, p.424)

Como o Governo Distorce e Destroi a Informacao?

O governo pode contribuir com a comunicacao da informacao - tempo e espaco- principalmente no que diz respeito ao mercado de precos, nao interferindo em nossa liberdade, reforcando a ideia de direitos de propriedade, estabelecendo um Sistema Judiciario imparcial e mantendo o valor da moeda estavel. Entretanto, nao eh o que ocorre! As acoes governamentais reduzem a comunicacao, restringem a liberdade, desperdicam recursos (naturais, financeiros, humanos), minam a coordenacao do ecossistema e ainda desfazem de acoes que pormovem a 'era da informacao'.

Um dos exemplos fornecido pelo autores - Government - Financed and - Operated Schools, esclarece como o governo distorce e destroi informacao.

Pais com filhos em escolas publicas nao pagam diretamente `a escola mas pagam por meio das taxas debitadas em seus rendimentos. Muitas vezes, essas escolas nao representam uma escolha e, sim, o possivel.

Como o pagamento dos pais nao eh realizado diretamente `as escolas, os pais nao sao informados sobre os custos da educacao dos seus filhos em forma de preco. Os pais nao recebem informacoes referentes aos custos do estabelecimento, ou custos sociais. Quanto custa uma crianca fora da escola? Quanto custa um professor? Quanto custa o lanche escolar?

Dessa forma, nao causa espanto que os pais nao facam parte das discussoes e decisoes sobre: tamanho da classe; curriculo; metodos de ensino; dentre outros assuntos escolares de grande relevancia.

A ausencia dessas informacoes obscurecem as analises dos resultados escolares. Os pais e outros participantes estao fadados a um sistema debilitato e degradado.

CLARK, J. R and LEE, Dwight R. Censoring and Destroying Information in the Information Age? In: the Cato Journal: an interdisciplinary journal of public policy analysis. Volume 28, number 3. Cato Institute. Fall 2008, p.421-433.

sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2009

ARCHIVES IN BRAZIL - Traducao - Shirley Carvalhedo - Revisao - Fabio Franco

Officially, Brazil is a Federative Republic - The Federative Republic of Brazil - composed of 26 states and a federal district, where the capital of the Republic is situated - Brasilia, headquarters of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary Branches. Each one of the Brazilian states, that is, each one of the units of the Federation, is further subdivided in municipalities and these, furthermore, in districts. In all Brazil has 9,274 districts within its 4.974 cities.


The National Archive was created in 1838 in the Empire, during the regency of Peter de Araújo Lima.
Normative Instruction Nº 42 (November 8th, 2002), establishes the Internal Regulation of the National Archive, which is part of the "Casa Civil" (Chief of Staff Office) of the Presidency of the Republic. MISSIONThe collection and the management of documents produced and received by the Federal Government – Executive Branch, as well as the accompaniment and implementation of national policy for archives.


The National Archive, which is the central agency of the National System of Archives, is part of the basic structure of the "Casa Civil" (Chief of Staff Office) of the Presidency of the Republic, directly subordinated to the Deputy Chief of Staff Office. Visits to the new headquarters of the National Archive are permitted every Tuesday and Thursday, from 2pm, in groups of at least 10 and maximum of 20 people.
The National Archive of Brazil had a central role in the instruction of high-level technicians, produced an important technical body of work, and translated - and made known - some seminal authors in the field of Archives.


The database of the National Register of Federal Archives has information on the services and archival collections of agencies and organisms situated in diverse States of the Federation. This information pertains to the content, the measuring/quantification, the adapted management procedures, the types of existing data-recovery instruments, and the state of conservation of different types of documents -- text, images, maps, film, sound, microfilm and digital.


Set of documents accumulated by a person or company during his/its existence.Collections: documents gathered by a collector
The Regional Coordination in the Federal District (COREG)
The Regional Coordination in the Federal District (COREG) has under its guard documentary collections which were gathered and transferred from agencies and entities of the Federal Executive Branch with headquarters in the capital of the country, as well as from regional units located in the North, Northeast and Center-West regions.
In the depository under COREG's responsibility there are collections of documents of intermediate character whose access is restricted to the agencies that transferred them. It is recommended that interested users request authorization from these agencies to consult the documents.
The collections already identified as permanent are open to consultation. However, some of these collections are in a precarious state of conservation and organization, making it more difficult to research.
COREG keeps under its guard, therefore, unrestricted (permanent) and restricted (intermediate) collections, as discriminated below:
Acervos organizados de acesso livre:
Datas-limite: 1936-1987
Companhia Siderúrgica da Amazônia S.A. - SIDERAMA Datas-limite: 196l-1999
Divisão de Censura e Diversões Publicas - DCDP Datas-limite: 1960-1988
Instituto de Planejamento Econômico e Social - IPEA Datas-limite: 1975-l979
Acervos não organizados de acesso livre
Fundação Brasil Central e Estrada de Ferro Tocantins - EFT Datas-limite: não identificadas
Superintendência de Desenvolvimento da Região Centro-Oeste - SUDECO Datas-limite: não identificadas
Acervos de acesso restrito
Banco Nacional de Credito Cooperativo - BNCC Datas-limite: 1946-1990
Câmara de Gestão da Crise de Energia Elétrica - GCE Datas-limite: 2001-2002
Departamento Administrativo do Serviço Público - DASPDatas-limite: não identificadas
Ministério da Educação e Cultura - MEC Datas-limite: 1968-l981
Ministério da Justiça - MJ Datas-limite: l960-1974
Ministério do Interior - MINTER Datas-limite: não identificadas
Ministério das Minas e Energia - MME Datas-limite: l961-1976
Ministério da Saúde - MS Datas-limite: 1945-l974
Ministério da Viação e Obras Públicas - MVOPDatas-limite: não identificadas
Presidência da República - PRDatas-limite: 1963-l994
Secretaria de Planejamento - SEPLAN Datas-limite: 1960-l984
Siderurgia Brasileira - SIDERBRAS Datas-limite: 1974-1990
Telecomunicações Brasileiras - TELEBRASDatas-limite: 1972-2003


Created in 1985 as a public archive institution of the Executive Branch. It is the central agency of the System of Archives of Federal District - SIARDF.
The Public Archive of the Federal District congregates, mainly, the documentation that portraits the history of the Federal Capital, from the period of "interiorization" (relocating the Capital from near the shoreline to the center of the country), foreseen in the Constitution of 1892, until its construction, its inauguration and up to the present moment current days.

Fundos Públicos
Companhia Urbanizadora da Nova Capital - NOVACAP
Secretaria de Comunicação Social – SCS
Secretaria de Segurança Pública – SSP
Fundação Cultural do Distrito Federal - FCDF
Gabinete do Governador – GABGOV
Arquivo Público do Distrito Federal - ArPDF
Administração Regional de Taguatinga - AdTG
Fundos Privados
Yvonne Jean - YJ
Juca Chaves - JC
Brasília Palace Hotel - BPH

Law Nº 8.159, 08 JANUARY 1991 - Main law of archives in Brasil:

Article NR. 1: The State has the obligation to manage documents and to protect archival documents, in order to give support to the Administration, to culture, to scientific development, and as elements of proof and information. Article NR. 2: As regards this Law, Archives are considered to be sets of documents produced and received by public agencies, public institutions and private entities, as a result of the exercise of specific activities, as well as by a person, whatever may be the support for the information or the nature of the document. Article NR. 3 Document management is here considered to be the set of procedures and technical operations which refers to the production, processing, use, evaluation and archiving of documents, whether in its current or intermediary phase, with the aim to either eliminate the document or to keep it permanently. Article NR. 4 - Everyone has the right to receive from public agencies information of his/her own interest or of general or collective interest, contained in archival documents. This information shall be transmitted to the interested party within the time limit established by law, under the penalty of responsibility. Exceptions are made to information which is considered to be vital to the security of the society and the State, as well as to the guarding of the intimacy, private life, honor and reputation of people.
Article NR. 5 - The Public Administration will allow consultation of public documents according to the procedures established by Law.Article NR. 6 - A person will have the right to be compensation for moral or material damage if a violation of the confidentiality of the document occurs, including the possibility of filing penal, civil and administrative suits.


Article 7 - The Public Archives are sets of documents produced and received by Federal, State and Municipal public agencies while in the exercise of their functions, whether these be administrative, legislative or judicial.
§ 1º - The sets of documents produced and received by institutions which have a public nature and by private entities which exercise management of public services are also considered to be


Article 11: Documents produced or received by private persons or companies while exercising their functions are considered to be private
Article 12: -The State can designate private archives as being of the public or social interest, as long as they are considered to be relevant sources for National History and for the scientific development of the nation. Article 13 -Private archives identified as being of public and social interest may not be alienated by its dispersal or by the loss of its unity, nor may they be transferred abroad.
Single Paragraph- The State will give preference the acquisition these archives as the form of their alienation
Article 14 - The access to documents of private archives considered to be of public and social interest may be conceded by means of authorization of its owner.The National Advice of Archives is bred - CONARQ, entailed agency to the National Archive, that will define the national politics of archives, as central agency of a National System of Archives - SINAR.
The National Council of Archives will be presided over by the Director-General of the National Archive and composed of representatives of archival and academic institutions, both public and private
The "Federal Archives" are comprised of The National Archive of the Executive Branch and the archives of the Legislative and the Judiciary Branches. The archives of the Ministries of the Navy, Army and Aeronautics and the Ministry of External Relations also belong to the Executive Branch.
The "State Archives" are comprised of the archive of the Executive, the archive of the Legislative and the archive of the Judicial Branches at the State-level of the Federation.
The "Federal District Archives" are comprised of the archive of the Executive, the archive of the Legislative and the archive of the Judicial Branches at the Federal District-level of the Federation.
The "Municipal Archives" are comprised of the archive of the Executive and the archive of the Legislative Branches at the Municipal level of the Federation.
The Public Archives of the Territories are organized in accordance with their political and judicial structure.
The National Archive is responsible for the management and the collection of documents produced and received by the Executive Branch at the Federal level, as well as for the preservation and authorization of the access to documents under its guard, and for the supervising and the implementation of national archives policy.
Article3 26.The "Conselho Nacional de Arquivos – CONARQ" (The National Council of Archives" is created as an agency linked to the National Archive, and it will define public archival policy, central organism of the National System of Archives. The National Council of Archives will be presided over by the Director-General of the National Archive and composed by representatives from archival and academic institutions, both public and private. LAW N° 6.546, 4 JULY1978
The Law establishes the regulation of the professions of Archivist and Technician of Archive, and provides others actions .
The first Brazilian Congress of Arquivologia took place in 1972. In its final recommendations, this event formalized the minimum requirements of the Arquivology course. Five years later the two first courses in the UFSM and the UNIRIO were created.

"Museologia e Patrimônio" - revista científica eleltrônica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Museolgoia e Patrimônio (PPG-PMUS)

The Nature of University and Research Institution Archives: An International Perspective

Conselho Internacional de Arquivos (ICA) - Seção de Arquivos de Universidades e Instituições de Pesquisa (SUV) Conferência da SUV e IV Encontro de Arquivos Científicos A Natureza dos Arquivos Universitários e de Instituições de Pesquisa: Perspectiva Internacional Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa - FCRB e Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins - MAST 8 a 11 de Setembro - Rio de Janeiro.


Folha de S. Paulo - 17/03/2009
Quatro dias antes da eleição de José Sarney (PMDB-AP) à presidência, a Comissão Permanente de Avaliação de Documentos do Senado fez uma faxina nos arquivos, eliminando 965 caixas de papéis referentes ao período 1965-2003. Com a anuência da primeira-secretaria, então chefiada por Efraim Morais (DEM-PB), foram para o lixo quilos de notas fiscais, processos, sindicâncias, inquéritos e comprovantes de despesas que vão de compras de materiais a internações de senadores. A destruição dos documentos ocorreu em 29 de janeiro após autorização do responsável pelo Arquivo da Casa, Francisco Maurício da Paz. Mas a decisão só foi publicada em 3 de março.
SeleçãoA destruição de documentos públicos é permitida por lei, desde que eles sejam considerados sem valor para guarda permanente. No Senado, cabe à comissão avaliar o que pode ser eliminado. Em família 1À frente do Arquivo do Senado, Francisco da Luz era homem de confiança do então diretor-geral, Agaciel Maia. A comissão que fazia a avaliação dos documentos era composta pelo staff de Agaciel, incluindo sua mulher, Sânzia Maia. Em família 2Demitido em outubro por ter familiar em cargo de chefia no Senado, o assistente parlamentar Vicente Limongi Netto voltou em fevereiro para o gabinete de Fernando Collor (PTB-AL). Limongi é cunhado da chefe-de-gabinete do tucano Marconi Perilo (GO).


Auditório da Universidade de Coimbra, 18 a 20 de Novembro de 2009

Tema Geral: As relações entre a Ciência da Informação e outras áreas do conhecimento: o lugar e o papel da Ciência da Informação ao nível universitário.

Entre os trabalhos aceites poderão estar aqueles passíveis de serem incluídos em qualquer um dos seguintes subtemas:
§ O estatuto epistemológico da Ciência da Informação
§ A Ciência da Informação e a Formação no contexto ibérico sob o signo de Bolonha
§ Perspectivas de Investigação
§ Diálogo entre a Formação e a Sociedade

Serão aceites comunicações presenciais ou por via remota (online e offline) e posters.

Tema General: Las relaciones entre la Ciencia de la Información y otras áreas de conocimiento: el lugar y el papel de la Ciencia de la Información a nivel universitario.

Entre los trabajos aceptados podrán estar aquellos que se puedan incluir en cualquiera de los siguientes subtemas:
§ El estatuto epistemológico de la Ciencia de la Información
§ La Ciencia de la Información y la Formación en el contexto Ibérico bajo la influencia de Bolonia
§ Perspectivas de Investigación
§ Diálogo entre la Formación y la Sociedad

Serán aceptadas comunicaciones presenciales o por via remota (online e offline) y póster.
Comunicações - ¿Cómo participar?§ Os trabalhos devem ser submetidos através de formulário:§ Para enviar los trabajos se deberá hacer uso del formulario: