Best Place to Be Surgically Enhanced
No other country has so many plastic surgeons per capita; the $15 billion industry draws almost as many tourists as the beaches. Innovation-friendly regulations give Brazilian surgeons a leg up.
quinta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2010
Brazil on the Rise: The Story of a Country Transformed. By Larry Rohter. Palgrave Macmillan; 304 pages.
A book laced with anecdotes from a New York Times reporter
POLITICAL strategists sometimes say that voters can hold only three things in their minds about a candidate. So candidates spend quite a bit of time determining what those three will be; once they have become known as a technophobe, an arugula muncher or a flip-flopper, the perception is hard to shift. The same might be true of countries. For Brazil, the three are forests, sex and football.
That the world’s fifth-largest country (by population) and eighth-largest economy (in real terms) is often perceived by foreigners as a giant Club Med resort is partly thanks to foreign correspondents reporting on Brazil, who often feel they have to start with what readers back home know about the place and go from there. Larry Rohter, the New York Times correspondent from 1999 to 2007, used to be an exponent of this approach. The only trouble with it is that it explains only part of the country, part of the time.
“Brazil on the Rise” is an attempt to go deeper, putting the country as it is now in the context of Brazil’s recent history, with anecdotes from Mr Rohter’s notebooks sprinkled on top. These are the best thing in the book. “I have found soccer fields even in the poorest and most remote places, including tribal reservations in the Xingu where Indians wear nothing but a penis sheath and a T-shirt with the colours of a popular team, such as Flamengo or Palmeiras,” writes Mr Rohter. This is worth far more than the surrounding passages of cod sociology on why football is like sex.
The book begins by posing three questions about Brazil that interest both foreigners and Brazilians. Why is the place so tolerant? Why is there so much inequality? And is there racism in Brazil?
To answer the first two it is necessary to peel away layers accumulated over 510 years since a band of Portuguese explorers landed in what is now Bahia state. But “Brazil on the Rise” is not a history book. Mr Rohter does, however, make a determined attempt to answer the third, arguing that Brazil has the same sort of racism that America suffered from. People who say otherwise, he suggests, are making the problem worse by burying it.
In support of his view, he cites the horrible case of Luciano Ribeiro, a cyclist who was run over and killed by a white driver in 1996. The motorist later told witnesses that he had run over “a black guy on a stolen bicycle”. This might be evidence of racism, or it might be evidence of a sneering attitude made more common by extreme income inequality. Without recourse to some data it is hard to know. Some Brazilian employers may discriminate against people with darker skin. But the kind of hard racism that blighted America is foreign to Brazil.
Mr Rohter’s other judgments on the causes of Brazil’s current good fortune are hard to argue with. He rightly castigates President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for the shortcomings of his foreign policy (which include a bizarre wish to acquire a nuclear-powered submarine to defend the country’s oil rigs), while praising him for keeping in place the reforms of his predecessor, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
One topic where Mr Rohter leaves the consensus behind (and rightly so) is in his assessment of Fernando Collor, president from 1990 until he was impeached in 1992. Mr Collor tends to be remembered for his good looks, loopy economic policies and the giant scams run by his bagman, Paulo César Farias, that brought him down. Yet in his brief time in office Mr Collor began the opening up of Brazil’s economy, ran an enlightened environmental policy and thwarted the army’s plans to develop a nuclear weapon.
For some time there has been a gap in the market for a good English book on Brazil. “Brazil on the Rise” tells the reader a lot while managing to reinforce many clichés. The author is great on popular culture and beaches, less inspired on the nuts and bolts of economics and politics. The best bits are where he dusts off his old notebooks and finds stories that bring Brazil alive. But his book does not quite plug that gap.
POLITICAL strategists sometimes say that voters can hold only three things in their minds about a candidate. So candidates spend quite a bit of time determining what those three will be; once they have become known as a technophobe, an arugula muncher or a flip-flopper, the perception is hard to shift. The same might be true of countries. For Brazil, the three are forests, sex and football.
That the world’s fifth-largest country (by population) and eighth-largest economy (in real terms) is often perceived by foreigners as a giant Club Med resort is partly thanks to foreign correspondents reporting on Brazil, who often feel they have to start with what readers back home know about the place and go from there. Larry Rohter, the New York Times correspondent from 1999 to 2007, used to be an exponent of this approach. The only trouble with it is that it explains only part of the country, part of the time.
“Brazil on the Rise” is an attempt to go deeper, putting the country as it is now in the context of Brazil’s recent history, with anecdotes from Mr Rohter’s notebooks sprinkled on top. These are the best thing in the book. “I have found soccer fields even in the poorest and most remote places, including tribal reservations in the Xingu where Indians wear nothing but a penis sheath and a T-shirt with the colours of a popular team, such as Flamengo or Palmeiras,” writes Mr Rohter. This is worth far more than the surrounding passages of cod sociology on why football is like sex.
The book begins by posing three questions about Brazil that interest both foreigners and Brazilians. Why is the place so tolerant? Why is there so much inequality? And is there racism in Brazil?
To answer the first two it is necessary to peel away layers accumulated over 510 years since a band of Portuguese explorers landed in what is now Bahia state. But “Brazil on the Rise” is not a history book. Mr Rohter does, however, make a determined attempt to answer the third, arguing that Brazil has the same sort of racism that America suffered from. People who say otherwise, he suggests, are making the problem worse by burying it.
In support of his view, he cites the horrible case of Luciano Ribeiro, a cyclist who was run over and killed by a white driver in 1996. The motorist later told witnesses that he had run over “a black guy on a stolen bicycle”. This might be evidence of racism, or it might be evidence of a sneering attitude made more common by extreme income inequality. Without recourse to some data it is hard to know. Some Brazilian employers may discriminate against people with darker skin. But the kind of hard racism that blighted America is foreign to Brazil.
Mr Rohter’s other judgments on the causes of Brazil’s current good fortune are hard to argue with. He rightly castigates President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for the shortcomings of his foreign policy (which include a bizarre wish to acquire a nuclear-powered submarine to defend the country’s oil rigs), while praising him for keeping in place the reforms of his predecessor, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
One topic where Mr Rohter leaves the consensus behind (and rightly so) is in his assessment of Fernando Collor, president from 1990 until he was impeached in 1992. Mr Collor tends to be remembered for his good looks, loopy economic policies and the giant scams run by his bagman, Paulo César Farias, that brought him down. Yet in his brief time in office Mr Collor began the opening up of Brazil’s economy, ran an enlightened environmental policy and thwarted the army’s plans to develop a nuclear weapon.
For some time there has been a gap in the market for a good English book on Brazil. “Brazil on the Rise” tells the reader a lot while managing to reinforce many clichés. The author is great on popular culture and beaches, less inspired on the nuts and bolts of economics and politics. The best bits are where he dusts off his old notebooks and finds stories that bring Brazil alive. But his book does not quite plug that gap.
segunda-feira, 26 de julho de 2010
Leaks Add to Pressure on White House Over Strategy
Published: July 26, 2010
WASHINGTON — The White House sought to reassert control over the public debate on the Afghanistan war on Monday as political reaction to the disclosure of a six-year archive of classified military documents increased the pressure on President Obama to defend his war strategy.
On Capitol Hill, leading Democratic lawmakers said the documents, with their fine-grain portrayal of a war faring even more poorly than two administrations have previously portrayed, would intensify congressional scrutiny of Mr. Obama’s policy.
“Those policies are at a critical stage, and these documents may very well underscore the stakes and make the calibrations needed to get the policy right more urgent,” Senator John Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat who heads the Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement.
The Senate this week takes up a critical war-financing bill and is expected to hold a hearing on Mr. Obama’s choice to head the military’s Central Command, Gen. James N. Mattis, who would oversee military operations in Afghanistan.
While Congressional and administration officials said the disclosure of the documents probably would not jeopardize the financing bill or General Mattis’s expected confirmation, it could complicate how the White House tries to achieves its goals in Afghanistan.
The White House appeared to be focusing most of its ire toward Julian Assange, the founder of, the Web site that provided access to some 92,000 secret military reports to The New York Times and two other news organizations, Der Spiegel in Germany and The Guardian in Britain. The documents span the period from January 2004 through December 2009.
White House officials e-mailed select transcripts of an interview Mr. Assange conducted with Der Spiegel, underlining the quote the White House apparently found most offensive. Among them was Mr. Assange’s assertion, “I enjoy crushing bastards.”
Mr. Obama was already facing an uphill battle on the way to a scheduled review of his Afghanistan war strategy in December, and administration officials have been bracing for a political fight as they try to defend the strategy at a time when gains seem limited.
At a news conference in London on Monday, Mr. Assange defended the release of the documents.
“I’d like to see this material taken seriously and investigated, and new policies, if not prosecutions result from it,” he said.
The Times and the two other news organizations agreed not to disclose anything that was likely to put lives at risk or jeopardize military or antiterrorist operations, and The Times redacted the names of Afghan informants and other sensitive information from the documents it published. .WikiLeaks said it withheld posting some 15,000 documents for the same reason. Pakistan strongly denied the suggestions in the leaked United States military records that its military spy service has guided the Afghan insurgency.
A senior ISI official, speaking on condition of anonymity under standard practice, sharply condemned the reports as “part of the malicious campaign to malign the spy organization” and said the ISI would “continue to eradicate the menace of terrorism with or without the help of the West.”
Expressing dismay over the reports, the official said the Pakistan military and its spy organization had suffered tremendously while leading the forefront of the war against terror.
“Pakistan is the biggest victim of terrorism,” he said. “Why then are we still targeted?” he asked.
Calling the reports raw, uncorroborated and unverified, the official said: “In the field of intelligence, any piece of data has to be corroborated, analyzed and substantiated by multiple sources. Until then it remains raw data, and it can be anything.”
Farhatullah Babar, the spokesman for President Asif Ali Zardari, dismissed the reports and said that Pakistan remained “a part of a strategic alliance of the United States in the fight against terrorism.”
He added: “Such allegations have been regurgitated in the past. Also, these represent low-level intelligence reports and do not represent a convincing smoking gun. I do not see any convincing evidence.”
Mr. Babar questioned how Pakistan could possibly have the kind of connections to the Taliban that some of the reports suggest, asking if “those who are alleging that Pakistan is playing a double game are also asserting that President Zardari is presiding over an apparatus that is coordinating attacks on the general headquarters, mosques, shrines, schools and killing Pakistani citizens?”
He continued, “There was a time when many people believed that former President Musharraf was running with the hare and hunting with the hound,” suggesting that any such double-dealing lay with the president’s predecessor and nemesis. “We believe that era is over.”
Pakistani television news channels did not report on the content of the documents but carried brief reports that noted the American government’s condemnation of the leak and perhaps a clip of the news conference by Mr. Assange. One editor of a major news channel, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was pressure not to cover the topic.
Most of Pakistan’s news coverage on Monday focused on a suicide bomb aimed at the house of a provincial minister of information.
The web portal of Dawn, the country’s most prestigious daily, carried an Associated Press report in which an ISI official dismissed the reports..
The Express Tribune, a daily newspaper from Karachi, noted that American officials had held long-standing concerns about ISI links to the Taliban, though its report led with the government’s condemnation of the leak.
Popular Pakistani blogs had nothing on the WikiLeaks trove by Monday afternoon.
Bina Shah, a novelist based in Karachi, wrote on Twitter: “Why is nobody in Pakistan discussing the WikiLeaks story? It’s sensational.”
While Pakistani officials protested, a spokesman for the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, said Mr. Karzai was not upset by the documents and did not believe the picture they painted was unfair.
The Karzai government offered no pushback to accounts in the reports that describe how the war effort has been hurt by corruption and the questionable loyalty and competence of the Afghan government, police and army. Instead, they focused on other problems outlined in the documents, including civilian deaths caused by the American and NATO militaries and Pakistani complicity with militants.
On Monday, Mr. Karzai said a NATO strike had killed 52 civilians in a remote village in Helmand Province three days earlier.
Speaking after a news conference in Kabul, Mr. Karzai’s spokesman, Waheed Omar, was asked whether there was anything in the leaked documents that angered Mr. Karzai or that he thought unfair.
“No, I don’t think so,” Mr. Omar replied.
He described the documents as being mainly “about civilian casualties and efforts to hide civilian casualties, and the role of a certain intelligence agency in Afghanistan,” a reference to the ISI.
“The president’s initial reaction was, ‘Look, this is nothing new,’ ” he said.
Reporting was contributed by Richard A. Oppel Jr. from Kabul, Afghanistan; Adam B. Ellick and Salman Masood from Islamabad, Pakistan; and Caroline Crampton from London.
Published: July 26, 2010
WASHINGTON — The White House sought to reassert control over the public debate on the Afghanistan war on Monday as political reaction to the disclosure of a six-year archive of classified military documents increased the pressure on President Obama to defend his war strategy.
On Capitol Hill, leading Democratic lawmakers said the documents, with their fine-grain portrayal of a war faring even more poorly than two administrations have previously portrayed, would intensify congressional scrutiny of Mr. Obama’s policy.
“Those policies are at a critical stage, and these documents may very well underscore the stakes and make the calibrations needed to get the policy right more urgent,” Senator John Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat who heads the Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement.
The Senate this week takes up a critical war-financing bill and is expected to hold a hearing on Mr. Obama’s choice to head the military’s Central Command, Gen. James N. Mattis, who would oversee military operations in Afghanistan.
While Congressional and administration officials said the disclosure of the documents probably would not jeopardize the financing bill or General Mattis’s expected confirmation, it could complicate how the White House tries to achieves its goals in Afghanistan.
The White House appeared to be focusing most of its ire toward Julian Assange, the founder of, the Web site that provided access to some 92,000 secret military reports to The New York Times and two other news organizations, Der Spiegel in Germany and The Guardian in Britain. The documents span the period from January 2004 through December 2009.
White House officials e-mailed select transcripts of an interview Mr. Assange conducted with Der Spiegel, underlining the quote the White House apparently found most offensive. Among them was Mr. Assange’s assertion, “I enjoy crushing bastards.”
Mr. Obama was already facing an uphill battle on the way to a scheduled review of his Afghanistan war strategy in December, and administration officials have been bracing for a political fight as they try to defend the strategy at a time when gains seem limited.
At a news conference in London on Monday, Mr. Assange defended the release of the documents.
“I’d like to see this material taken seriously and investigated, and new policies, if not prosecutions result from it,” he said.
The Times and the two other news organizations agreed not to disclose anything that was likely to put lives at risk or jeopardize military or antiterrorist operations, and The Times redacted the names of Afghan informants and other sensitive information from the documents it published. .WikiLeaks said it withheld posting some 15,000 documents for the same reason. Pakistan strongly denied the suggestions in the leaked United States military records that its military spy service has guided the Afghan insurgency.
A senior ISI official, speaking on condition of anonymity under standard practice, sharply condemned the reports as “part of the malicious campaign to malign the spy organization” and said the ISI would “continue to eradicate the menace of terrorism with or without the help of the West.”
Expressing dismay over the reports, the official said the Pakistan military and its spy organization had suffered tremendously while leading the forefront of the war against terror.
“Pakistan is the biggest victim of terrorism,” he said. “Why then are we still targeted?” he asked.
Calling the reports raw, uncorroborated and unverified, the official said: “In the field of intelligence, any piece of data has to be corroborated, analyzed and substantiated by multiple sources. Until then it remains raw data, and it can be anything.”
Farhatullah Babar, the spokesman for President Asif Ali Zardari, dismissed the reports and said that Pakistan remained “a part of a strategic alliance of the United States in the fight against terrorism.”
He added: “Such allegations have been regurgitated in the past. Also, these represent low-level intelligence reports and do not represent a convincing smoking gun. I do not see any convincing evidence.”
Mr. Babar questioned how Pakistan could possibly have the kind of connections to the Taliban that some of the reports suggest, asking if “those who are alleging that Pakistan is playing a double game are also asserting that President Zardari is presiding over an apparatus that is coordinating attacks on the general headquarters, mosques, shrines, schools and killing Pakistani citizens?”
He continued, “There was a time when many people believed that former President Musharraf was running with the hare and hunting with the hound,” suggesting that any such double-dealing lay with the president’s predecessor and nemesis. “We believe that era is over.”
Pakistani television news channels did not report on the content of the documents but carried brief reports that noted the American government’s condemnation of the leak and perhaps a clip of the news conference by Mr. Assange. One editor of a major news channel, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was pressure not to cover the topic.
Most of Pakistan’s news coverage on Monday focused on a suicide bomb aimed at the house of a provincial minister of information.
The web portal of Dawn, the country’s most prestigious daily, carried an Associated Press report in which an ISI official dismissed the reports..
The Express Tribune, a daily newspaper from Karachi, noted that American officials had held long-standing concerns about ISI links to the Taliban, though its report led with the government’s condemnation of the leak.
Popular Pakistani blogs had nothing on the WikiLeaks trove by Monday afternoon.
Bina Shah, a novelist based in Karachi, wrote on Twitter: “Why is nobody in Pakistan discussing the WikiLeaks story? It’s sensational.”
While Pakistani officials protested, a spokesman for the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, said Mr. Karzai was not upset by the documents and did not believe the picture they painted was unfair.
The Karzai government offered no pushback to accounts in the reports that describe how the war effort has been hurt by corruption and the questionable loyalty and competence of the Afghan government, police and army. Instead, they focused on other problems outlined in the documents, including civilian deaths caused by the American and NATO militaries and Pakistani complicity with militants.
On Monday, Mr. Karzai said a NATO strike had killed 52 civilians in a remote village in Helmand Province three days earlier.
Speaking after a news conference in Kabul, Mr. Karzai’s spokesman, Waheed Omar, was asked whether there was anything in the leaked documents that angered Mr. Karzai or that he thought unfair.
“No, I don’t think so,” Mr. Omar replied.
He described the documents as being mainly “about civilian casualties and efforts to hide civilian casualties, and the role of a certain intelligence agency in Afghanistan,” a reference to the ISI.
“The president’s initial reaction was, ‘Look, this is nothing new,’ ” he said.
Reporting was contributed by Richard A. Oppel Jr. from Kabul, Afghanistan; Adam B. Ellick and Salman Masood from Islamabad, Pakistan; and Caroline Crampton from London.
Inner/outer directions

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Redirected from Inner/Outer labeling
Inner/outer directions are labels that identify the direction of travel on opposing lanes of traffic on certain ring roads and beltways. They can be used to sign individual routes that encircle a city or metropolitan area, where east–west and north–south orientations cannot be applied uniformly. The labels are also used in select double track rail systems that form a loop, indicating the direction of travel of each line.
Variations of the labels include "inner loop"/"outer loop", "inner beltline"/"outer beltline", "inner ring"/"outer ring", "inner rail"/"outer rail", and "inner circle"/"outer circle".
In 2009, Interstate 277 in Charlotte, North Carolina became the first non-contiguous loop route to utilize inner/outer directional signage.
In nations where automobiles drive on the right side of a road, traffic traveling in a clockwise direction around a loop will always be in the "inner" lane(s) (assuming that there is no lane crossing). Likewise, traffic traveling in a counterclockwise direction will always be in the "outer" lane(s). "Inner" and "outer" labels stem from this reasoning, applying the concept of concentric loops to the geographic characteristics of circular road or rail.
sexta-feira, 23 de julho de 2010
How Pleasure Works: The New Science of Why We Like What We Like
Yale psychologist Paul Bloom presents a striking and thought-provoking new understanding of pleasure, desire, and value. The thought of sex with a virgin is intensely arousing for many men. The average American spends more than four hours a day watching television. Abstract art can sell for millions of dollars. People slow their cars to look at gory accidents, and go to movies that make them cry.
Pleasure is anything but straightforward. Our desires, attractions, and tastes take us beyond the symmetry of a beautiful face, the sugar and fat in food, or the prettiness of a painting. In How Pleasure Works, Yale University psychologist Paul Bloom draws on groundbreaking research to unveil the deeper workings of why we desire what we desire. Refuting the longstanding explanation of pleasure as a simple sensory response, Bloom shows us that pleasure is grounded in our beliefs about the deeper nature or essence of a given thing. This is why we want the real Rolex and not the knockoff, the real Picasso and not the fake, the twin we have fallen in love with and not her identical sister.
In this fascinating and witty account, Bloom draws on child development, philosophy, neuroscience, and behavioral economics in order to address pleasures noble and seamy, highbrow and lowbrow. Along the way, he gives us unprecedented insights into a realm of human psychology that until now has only been partially understood.
Pleasure is anything but straightforward. Our desires, attractions, and tastes take us beyond the symmetry of a beautiful face, the sugar and fat in food, or the prettiness of a painting. In How Pleasure Works, Yale University psychologist Paul Bloom draws on groundbreaking research to unveil the deeper workings of why we desire what we desire. Refuting the longstanding explanation of pleasure as a simple sensory response, Bloom shows us that pleasure is grounded in our beliefs about the deeper nature or essence of a given thing. This is why we want the real Rolex and not the knockoff, the real Picasso and not the fake, the twin we have fallen in love with and not her identical sister.
In this fascinating and witty account, Bloom draws on child development, philosophy, neuroscience, and behavioral economics in order to address pleasures noble and seamy, highbrow and lowbrow. Along the way, he gives us unprecedented insights into a realm of human psychology that until now has only been partially understood.
quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010
The Mass Observation Archive - Kevin Macdonald
Origins of Mass Observation, 1937-50s
The Archive results from the work of the social research organisation, Mass Observation. This organisation was founded in 1937 by three young men, who aimed to create an 'anthropology of ourselves'. They recruited a team of observers and a panel of volunteer writers to study the everyday lives of ordinary people in Britain. This original work continued until the early 1950s. Find out more about the original Mass Observation project.
The Archive at the University of Sussex, 1970
In 1970, the Archive came to the University of Sussex and was opened up as a public resource for historical research. The Archive holds all the material generated by Mass Observation between 1937 and 1949, with a few later additions from the 1950s and 1960s.
The Mass Observation Project
The original Mass Observation idea of a national panel was revived from the Archive in 1981. Through the press, televison and radio, new volunteer writers or 'Mass Observation correspondents' were recruited from all over Britain. The project continues under the direction of Dorothy Sheridan.
Find out more about the Mass Observation Project here.
Awards and celebrations, 2006-7
In 2006, the Mass Observation Archive was awarded Designated status by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). Only 38 collections in libraries and archives across England have so far been recognised as having outstanding national and international importance under the Designation Scheme.
In 2007, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the original Mass Observation project. You can read about the events
Origins of Mass Observation, 1937-50s
The Archive results from the work of the social research organisation, Mass Observation. This organisation was founded in 1937 by three young men, who aimed to create an 'anthropology of ourselves'. They recruited a team of observers and a panel of volunteer writers to study the everyday lives of ordinary people in Britain. This original work continued until the early 1950s. Find out more about the original Mass Observation project.
The Archive at the University of Sussex, 1970
In 1970, the Archive came to the University of Sussex and was opened up as a public resource for historical research. The Archive holds all the material generated by Mass Observation between 1937 and 1949, with a few later additions from the 1950s and 1960s.
The Mass Observation Project
The original Mass Observation idea of a national panel was revived from the Archive in 1981. Through the press, televison and radio, new volunteer writers or 'Mass Observation correspondents' were recruited from all over Britain. The project continues under the direction of Dorothy Sheridan.
Find out more about the Mass Observation Project here.
Awards and celebrations, 2006-7
In 2006, the Mass Observation Archive was awarded Designated status by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). Only 38 collections in libraries and archives across England have so far been recognised as having outstanding national and international importance under the Designation Scheme.
In 2007, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the original Mass Observation project. You can read about the events
UPA-DC July Event - Workshops to Enhance your Usability Knowledge
July 30, 2010
Six Workshops to Enhance your Usability Knowledge
On Friday, July 30, we’re going to be running a series of workshops. We’ll be offering six sessions of 2.5 hours each. Attend one, two or three of the sessions. Everyone who attends will get a catered lunch, sponsored by Tobii Technology.
Event Details
Venue: Silver Spring Innovation Center, sponsored by Lebsontech LLC.
8070 Georgia Avenue, Suite 113, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Catered lunch sponsored by Tobii Technology.
9:00 AM - 11:30 Session:
Best practices for eye tracking in user experience research
(Wilkey Wong, Tobii Technology)
11:30 - 12:30 PM:
Free Catered Lunch for all attendees (Sponsored by Tobii Technology)
12:30 PM - 3:00 Sessions:
Getting started conducting user research
OR Love your logs: Easy and cost-
effective user insights
(Carol Smith, Midwest Research, LLC)
(Andrew Stevens, George Mason U.)
3:00 - 5:30 Sessions:
Usability testing with remotely
located users
OR Introduction to accessibility
(Dick Horst & Mark Becker, UserWorks, Inc.)
(Cory Lebson, Lebsontech LLC)
Six Workshops to Enhance your Usability Knowledge
On Friday, July 30, we’re going to be running a series of workshops. We’ll be offering six sessions of 2.5 hours each. Attend one, two or three of the sessions. Everyone who attends will get a catered lunch, sponsored by Tobii Technology.
Event Details
Venue: Silver Spring Innovation Center, sponsored by Lebsontech LLC.
8070 Georgia Avenue, Suite 113, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Catered lunch sponsored by Tobii Technology.
9:00 AM - 11:30 Session:
Best practices for eye tracking in user experience research
(Wilkey Wong, Tobii Technology)
11:30 - 12:30 PM:
Free Catered Lunch for all attendees (Sponsored by Tobii Technology)
12:30 PM - 3:00 Sessions:
Getting started conducting user research
OR Love your logs: Easy and cost-
effective user insights
(Carol Smith, Midwest Research, LLC)
(Andrew Stevens, George Mason U.)
3:00 - 5:30 Sessions:
Usability testing with remotely
located users
OR Introduction to accessibility
(Dick Horst & Mark Becker, UserWorks, Inc.)
(Cory Lebson, Lebsontech LLC)
sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010
Dia desses pensei sobre a possibilidade de terremoto aqui, em Bethesda. Achava quase impossivel!
Hoje, aas 5 da matina, acordei com a cristaleira - um movel pesado- tremendo. Achei que talvez fosse sonho mas aas 6, como nao consegui mais dormir, levantei. Acabei constatando que foi um terremoto mesmo. Muito estranha a sensacao!
Earthquake Preparation Information
At this time, there have not been any aftershocks to this morning’s 3.6 magnitude earthquake reported yet. However, in light of the fact that aftershocks remain a possibility, DC HSEMA wishes to remind citizens of the following protective actions that should be taken if another earthquake is felt:
During an earthquake if you are:
• Indoors:
o Take cover under a desk, table, or bench. If none is available, use an inside wall or doorway.
o Stay away from windows, outside doors, walls, and anything that could shatter or fall on you.
o If you’re sleeping, stay in bed and cover your head with a pillow. If your bed is under a heavy light fixture or you have a large mirror or painting over your headboard, move to the nearest safe place.
o Stay inside until the shaking stops. Most injuries during an earthquake occur when people enter or exit a structure.
• Outdoors:
o Stay there and move away from buildings, streetlights, and overhead utility wires.
• In a Motor Vehicle:
o Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.
o Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped, watching for road and bridge damage.
Hoje, aas 5 da matina, acordei com a cristaleira - um movel pesado- tremendo. Achei que talvez fosse sonho mas aas 6, como nao consegui mais dormir, levantei. Acabei constatando que foi um terremoto mesmo. Muito estranha a sensacao!
Earthquake Preparation Information
At this time, there have not been any aftershocks to this morning’s 3.6 magnitude earthquake reported yet. However, in light of the fact that aftershocks remain a possibility, DC HSEMA wishes to remind citizens of the following protective actions that should be taken if another earthquake is felt:
During an earthquake if you are:
• Indoors:
o Take cover under a desk, table, or bench. If none is available, use an inside wall or doorway.
o Stay away from windows, outside doors, walls, and anything that could shatter or fall on you.
o If you’re sleeping, stay in bed and cover your head with a pillow. If your bed is under a heavy light fixture or you have a large mirror or painting over your headboard, move to the nearest safe place.
o Stay inside until the shaking stops. Most injuries during an earthquake occur when people enter or exit a structure.
• Outdoors:
o Stay there and move away from buildings, streetlights, and overhead utility wires.
• In a Motor Vehicle:
o Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.
o Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped, watching for road and bridge damage.
quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010
Qual eh a desculpa da vez? Os Arquivos do Regime Militar
COMO de costume, sempre faco a seguinte pergunta em meus artigos, produzidos com base nas pesquisaS do doutoramento. Onde estao os arquivos do Regime Militar e qual eh a desculpa da vez, se vivemos em um momento dito "democratico", regidos ha muito por um governo de esquerda, ex-operario, que e eh inclusive composto por lideres, ex-guerrilheiros? SERA QUE OS MILITARES QUEREM ESCONDER OU EH A ESQUERDA DEMOCRATICA QUE NAO QUER (RE)VELAR?
Brazil's crucial archives could perish, leaving questions unanswered
By Helena de Moura, CNN
June 28, 2010 -- Updated 0215 GMT (1015 HKT)
(CNN) -- One of South America's largest historical archives -- 35 million pages that chronicle widespread killing, forced disappearances and torture committed by Brazilian military rulers from 1964 to 1985 -- is rotting away in an obscure government building in Brazil's capital.
Carlos Fico, a leading historian of the so-called "lead years" in Brazil, confirmed accounts first reported in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo about deteriorating conditions at the Brazilian national archives building.
Fico -- who has led an academic commission to study classified documents relating to that era -- said Brazil's government suddenly made a large amount of classified documents available to the public. That resulted in an avalanche of military documents that have now been jammed into every corner of the government archives building, including bathrooms.
As court orders continue to force military jurisdictions throughout Brazil to send in their documents, the building cannot handle the load, Fico told CNN. And, left unattended, the papers are rotting.
"I have been to the building in Brasilia and I can tell you that it was not made for archiving documents," he said. "There are some serious implications in terms of fire threats and the amount of history being stored there in the last eight years."
A press official with Brazil's government said Sunday that President Luiz Lula Inacio da Silva has not responded to the Folha de Sao Paulo report.
Eight years ago, victims' rights groups and academics successfully sued for access to classified documents from the years of military rule in Brazil, a period known for covert military operations against civilians who were deemed subversive to the right-wing military. Many suspects who ran afoul of the military rulers often were punished with torture and many people disappeared.
Artists, journalists and students and members of South America's intelligentsia were often implicated. So were activists and church members. Thousands went "missing" in Brazil and neighboring nations also ruled by military leaders, human rights observers and journalists claim.
The Brazilian archive, growing but perishing rapidly as victims' group seek greater access to information, contains details ranging from Brazil's role in the overthrow of the government of Chilean leader Salvador Allende in 1973, to dealings between the United States government and the Brazilian junta, to the vast spying network on artists and the media, Fico said.
"We already know a lot about U.S. involvement, but the most important part of these documents is regarding the ... repressive activities conducted by the Brazilian military as it collaborated with neighboring countries," said Fico.
The Brazilian archives shed light on the role of Brazil's leadership in collaborating with neighboring military rulers who, according to human rights observers, committed serious human rights abuses against innocent civilians.
"The preservation of these documents is important to our history and is crucial to victims' families who are seeking the truth and some form indemnity for their missing loved ones," said Fico.
Esta obra traz à tona a real participação dos Estados Unidos durante a ditadura militar no Brasil. Carlos Fico aponta o general brasileiro que era o contato entre o então futuro presidente Castelo Branco e o governo de Washington para a entrega de armas, munições e combustível durante o golpe de 64. O grande irmão relata episódios sombrios, lances de suborno e traz revelações chocantes como a instalação de equipamento de detecção de explosões nucleares, sem o conhecimento do governo brasileiro, em base militar operada pelos EUA secretamente no Brasil.
Editora: Record
ISBN: 9788520008430
Ano: 2008
Edição: 1
Número de páginas: 336
Brazil's crucial archives could perish, leaving questions unanswered
By Helena de Moura, CNN
June 28, 2010 -- Updated 0215 GMT (1015 HKT)
(CNN) -- One of South America's largest historical archives -- 35 million pages that chronicle widespread killing, forced disappearances and torture committed by Brazilian military rulers from 1964 to 1985 -- is rotting away in an obscure government building in Brazil's capital.
Carlos Fico, a leading historian of the so-called "lead years" in Brazil, confirmed accounts first reported in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo about deteriorating conditions at the Brazilian national archives building.
Fico -- who has led an academic commission to study classified documents relating to that era -- said Brazil's government suddenly made a large amount of classified documents available to the public. That resulted in an avalanche of military documents that have now been jammed into every corner of the government archives building, including bathrooms.
As court orders continue to force military jurisdictions throughout Brazil to send in their documents, the building cannot handle the load, Fico told CNN. And, left unattended, the papers are rotting.
"I have been to the building in Brasilia and I can tell you that it was not made for archiving documents," he said. "There are some serious implications in terms of fire threats and the amount of history being stored there in the last eight years."
A press official with Brazil's government said Sunday that President Luiz Lula Inacio da Silva has not responded to the Folha de Sao Paulo report.
Eight years ago, victims' rights groups and academics successfully sued for access to classified documents from the years of military rule in Brazil, a period known for covert military operations against civilians who were deemed subversive to the right-wing military. Many suspects who ran afoul of the military rulers often were punished with torture and many people disappeared.
Artists, journalists and students and members of South America's intelligentsia were often implicated. So were activists and church members. Thousands went "missing" in Brazil and neighboring nations also ruled by military leaders, human rights observers and journalists claim.
The Brazilian archive, growing but perishing rapidly as victims' group seek greater access to information, contains details ranging from Brazil's role in the overthrow of the government of Chilean leader Salvador Allende in 1973, to dealings between the United States government and the Brazilian junta, to the vast spying network on artists and the media, Fico said.
"We already know a lot about U.S. involvement, but the most important part of these documents is regarding the ... repressive activities conducted by the Brazilian military as it collaborated with neighboring countries," said Fico.
The Brazilian archives shed light on the role of Brazil's leadership in collaborating with neighboring military rulers who, according to human rights observers, committed serious human rights abuses against innocent civilians.
"The preservation of these documents is important to our history and is crucial to victims' families who are seeking the truth and some form indemnity for their missing loved ones," said Fico.
Esta obra traz à tona a real participação dos Estados Unidos durante a ditadura militar no Brasil. Carlos Fico aponta o general brasileiro que era o contato entre o então futuro presidente Castelo Branco e o governo de Washington para a entrega de armas, munições e combustível durante o golpe de 64. O grande irmão relata episódios sombrios, lances de suborno e traz revelações chocantes como a instalação de equipamento de detecção de explosões nucleares, sem o conhecimento do governo brasileiro, em base militar operada pelos EUA secretamente no Brasil.
Editora: Record
ISBN: 9788520008430
Ano: 2008
Edição: 1
Número de páginas: 336

segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2010
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quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010

Muitas vezes, acreditamos que os estudos de usuário, sobretudo aqueles direcionados ao desenhos de produtos, são grandes besteiras ou apenas uma enorme perda de tempo. Entretanto, ao ler um pouco sobre o assunto, analisar alguns sites e o nosso próprio cotidiano, passamos a perceber os absurdos dos desenho de alguns produtos...
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The Usability Professionals' Association (UPA) supports people who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services.
The UPA was established in 1991 and continues to be the organization of choice for usability professionals worldwide. The UPA holds a yearly international conference, publishes new findings through both the Journal of Usability Studies (JUS) and through User Experience Magazine, and has 50 chapters around the world. In 2004, the UPA established World Usability Day, which in 2009 was celebrated in over 40 countries.
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Fantastic video on the progression of information technology, researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Brenman, remixed
By the way, I did not create this video! Search on the names above if you want more info - they are responsible.CLICK HERE:
By the way, I did not create this video! Search on the names above if you want more info - they are responsible.CLICK HERE:
domingo, 13 de junho de 2010
As Descobertas em F.R. Leavis
Por Shirley Carvalhêdo
Por intermédio do meu avô e sua profissão de educador, aprendi a ler as Sagradas Escrituras em uma tenra idade. Mesmo ciente das minhas limitações de leitora iniciante, pedia-me que lesse para ele os Salmos e elogia-me com vigor. Sua didática, paciência e interesse despertavam em mim o gosto de ler e aprender. Mais tarde, ao estudar Gênesis, percebi o papel da linguagem no processo de criatividade – “Disse Deus:” que usou Sua voz, dicção e som para criar, dividir, estabelecer e ordenar. Nesta ordenação, o ser humano foi criado marcado pela excelência divina, “sua imagem e semelhança”, um ser pensante, falante e leitor: “No princípio era o Verbo, e o verbo estava com Deus, e o Verbo era Deus. O Verbo estava no mundo, o mundo foi feito por intermédio dele, mas o mundo não o conheceu” (Sagradas Escrituras, João I:1;10)
Já a leitura de romances foi-me despertada aos nove anos, quando uma tia presenteou-me com a obra: O Pequeno Príncipe. Nesta época, passei a imaginar antes de dormir que na minha cabeça havia uma grande sala vazia, escura, com um grande telão, no qual eu poderia construir uma história e reproduzir. Nesta construção, misturava elementos captados das histórias lidas com o que vivi durante o dia. Gostava também de fechar o livro e pensar que os personagens estáticos passariam a se mexer, que lá havia um mundo que se movia, que tinha sons, que era real, e que quando eu abrisse a página onde parei, eles voltariam ao silêncio deixando a minha imaginação ser o regente das suas vidas. Entretanto, à medida que a quantidade e a complexidade das leituras foram me invadindo, fui tomada por dois sentimentos em relação à elas: um desconforto quase constante e um conforto como uma exceção, os quais eu nunca parei para pensar o porquê. Apenas vivia e não analisava.
Este sentimento de desconforto constante era, sobretudo, em relação aos romances brasileiros e poesia em geral. As histórias me eram superficiais, carregadas de insensibilidades, estéreis de significados. Presas excessivamente em uma descrição contextual. Nos vestidos, ruas, móveis, paredes, faces... Quantas páginas de desgosto e mau gosto! Muitas delas eram puladas e o fim representava um alívio. O pior mesmo era a sensação provocada pela leitura de algumas poesias! Um verdadeiro prenúncio do apocalipse sem anestesia! Quanta força! Para quê? Quantos dispositivos de rima para o nada, o vazio! Palavras laxativas! Depois de várias tentativas, desisti das leituras e de tentar um diálogo com os amigos sobre o assunto. A reação deles era como se eu não tivesse entendido uma palavra sequer. Como entender o que não há para ser entendido? Era impressionante como eles conseguiam ler, decodificar e significar o texto no contexto. Uma mágica completa! Eu sempre me perguntava: Como? Onde estaria? Em qual linha eu perdi o fio? Anos depois, por surpresa da vida como oportunidade de trabalho, passei a frequentar a ABL, terra dos “gigantes” etéreos e vivos! Pensava comigo que lá conseguiria encontrar o “x” do desconforto. Doce ilusão! Meus sentimentos permaneceram!
Por outro lado, o raro conforto acontecia por meio de algumas poucas leituras: Escrituras Sagradas, Austen, Orwell, Thoreau, Bradburry, Huxley...
Por muito tempo fui tomada por este constante desconforto e raro conforto até que descobri, por intermédio de uma aula, o crítico literário F. R. Leavis. As descobertas neste autor foram fundamentais para a minha compressão sobre o papel da linguagem na constituição do ser humano e no desenvolvimento de sua mente e o porquê destes meus sentimentos em relação à leitura e poesia, questões sem respostas até o momento.
Leavis mostrou-me a chave na obra: a experiência. Esta é o fator determinante na condição para imersão e sensação de real naquilo que se lê. Um livro despido de experiência é como um corpo sem alma, vazio!
It is only by bringing our experience to bear on it that we can judge the new thing, yet the expectations that we bring, more or less unconsciously(...) The essential is that the words are servants of an inner impulse or principle or order; they are imperiously commanded and controlled from na inner centre. (LEAVIS, 1998, p.123)
Percebi que o conforto que sentia se relacionava àquelas leituras imbuídas de excelência divina, a experiência. Eu me conectava ao autor, à medida que a sua produção fosse uma expressão de sua experiência original. Experiência essa que se fazia mais significante em mim porque talvez eu já tivesse vivido, almejasse viver ou que me remetesse a uma genuína experiência alheia. Aí está um autor sublime, uma leitura sublime, uma obra sublime!
The relevantly words immediatly are ‘continuity' and ‘standards’. Standards relate to criteria, and are always changing. They are changed for subsequent creative writers and for critics by every grater writer; this is true of the vital changes – the changes in which vitality manifests itself. But continuity has meant that the surest insight into human nature, human potentiality and the human situation is that accessible in the great creative writers. They estabilish what human centrality is. They differ in timbre, but they all have genius, and their genius is capacity for experience and for profound and complete sincerity (wich goes in them with self-knowledge). He knows that, in the nature of things, he can´t attain to the completeness that is finality, and that some of his certitudes may be insufficiently grounded. But though words used in ordinary ways are felt as merely words, and can´t give the quality an sich that makes the immediate experience irresistible real, the nearest the perceively thinking individual gets to the certainly that he is grasping in direct possession significance itself, unmediated, is in the certitude that he has taken possession of the basic major perceptions, intuitions and realizations communicated with consummate delicacy to the reader in the mastering of the creativite wor of a great writer (LEAVIS, 1998, p.192).
Não é a forma, os padrões, o jogo de palavras, a quantidade de páginas, o teor das imagens, o final da obra, e sim a EXPERIÊNCIA na letra como expressão do vivido e do vívido.
BÍBLIA. Português. Bíblia Sagrada. Tradução João Ferreira de Almeida. Rio de Janeiro: Edição Revista e Atualizada, 1993. Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil.
LEAVIS, F.R. The Critic as Anti-Philosopher: essays and papers. Elephant paperback ed. 1998.
Por intermédio do meu avô e sua profissão de educador, aprendi a ler as Sagradas Escrituras em uma tenra idade. Mesmo ciente das minhas limitações de leitora iniciante, pedia-me que lesse para ele os Salmos e elogia-me com vigor. Sua didática, paciência e interesse despertavam em mim o gosto de ler e aprender. Mais tarde, ao estudar Gênesis, percebi o papel da linguagem no processo de criatividade – “Disse Deus:” que usou Sua voz, dicção e som para criar, dividir, estabelecer e ordenar. Nesta ordenação, o ser humano foi criado marcado pela excelência divina, “sua imagem e semelhança”, um ser pensante, falante e leitor: “No princípio era o Verbo, e o verbo estava com Deus, e o Verbo era Deus. O Verbo estava no mundo, o mundo foi feito por intermédio dele, mas o mundo não o conheceu” (Sagradas Escrituras, João I:1;10)
Já a leitura de romances foi-me despertada aos nove anos, quando uma tia presenteou-me com a obra: O Pequeno Príncipe. Nesta época, passei a imaginar antes de dormir que na minha cabeça havia uma grande sala vazia, escura, com um grande telão, no qual eu poderia construir uma história e reproduzir. Nesta construção, misturava elementos captados das histórias lidas com o que vivi durante o dia. Gostava também de fechar o livro e pensar que os personagens estáticos passariam a se mexer, que lá havia um mundo que se movia, que tinha sons, que era real, e que quando eu abrisse a página onde parei, eles voltariam ao silêncio deixando a minha imaginação ser o regente das suas vidas. Entretanto, à medida que a quantidade e a complexidade das leituras foram me invadindo, fui tomada por dois sentimentos em relação à elas: um desconforto quase constante e um conforto como uma exceção, os quais eu nunca parei para pensar o porquê. Apenas vivia e não analisava.
Este sentimento de desconforto constante era, sobretudo, em relação aos romances brasileiros e poesia em geral. As histórias me eram superficiais, carregadas de insensibilidades, estéreis de significados. Presas excessivamente em uma descrição contextual. Nos vestidos, ruas, móveis, paredes, faces... Quantas páginas de desgosto e mau gosto! Muitas delas eram puladas e o fim representava um alívio. O pior mesmo era a sensação provocada pela leitura de algumas poesias! Um verdadeiro prenúncio do apocalipse sem anestesia! Quanta força! Para quê? Quantos dispositivos de rima para o nada, o vazio! Palavras laxativas! Depois de várias tentativas, desisti das leituras e de tentar um diálogo com os amigos sobre o assunto. A reação deles era como se eu não tivesse entendido uma palavra sequer. Como entender o que não há para ser entendido? Era impressionante como eles conseguiam ler, decodificar e significar o texto no contexto. Uma mágica completa! Eu sempre me perguntava: Como? Onde estaria? Em qual linha eu perdi o fio? Anos depois, por surpresa da vida como oportunidade de trabalho, passei a frequentar a ABL, terra dos “gigantes” etéreos e vivos! Pensava comigo que lá conseguiria encontrar o “x” do desconforto. Doce ilusão! Meus sentimentos permaneceram!
Por outro lado, o raro conforto acontecia por meio de algumas poucas leituras: Escrituras Sagradas, Austen, Orwell, Thoreau, Bradburry, Huxley...
Por muito tempo fui tomada por este constante desconforto e raro conforto até que descobri, por intermédio de uma aula, o crítico literário F. R. Leavis. As descobertas neste autor foram fundamentais para a minha compressão sobre o papel da linguagem na constituição do ser humano e no desenvolvimento de sua mente e o porquê destes meus sentimentos em relação à leitura e poesia, questões sem respostas até o momento.
Leavis mostrou-me a chave na obra: a experiência. Esta é o fator determinante na condição para imersão e sensação de real naquilo que se lê. Um livro despido de experiência é como um corpo sem alma, vazio!
It is only by bringing our experience to bear on it that we can judge the new thing, yet the expectations that we bring, more or less unconsciously(...) The essential is that the words are servants of an inner impulse or principle or order; they are imperiously commanded and controlled from na inner centre. (LEAVIS, 1998, p.123)
Percebi que o conforto que sentia se relacionava àquelas leituras imbuídas de excelência divina, a experiência. Eu me conectava ao autor, à medida que a sua produção fosse uma expressão de sua experiência original. Experiência essa que se fazia mais significante em mim porque talvez eu já tivesse vivido, almejasse viver ou que me remetesse a uma genuína experiência alheia. Aí está um autor sublime, uma leitura sublime, uma obra sublime!
The relevantly words immediatly are ‘continuity' and ‘standards’. Standards relate to criteria, and are always changing. They are changed for subsequent creative writers and for critics by every grater writer; this is true of the vital changes – the changes in which vitality manifests itself. But continuity has meant that the surest insight into human nature, human potentiality and the human situation is that accessible in the great creative writers. They estabilish what human centrality is. They differ in timbre, but they all have genius, and their genius is capacity for experience and for profound and complete sincerity (wich goes in them with self-knowledge). He knows that, in the nature of things, he can´t attain to the completeness that is finality, and that some of his certitudes may be insufficiently grounded. But though words used in ordinary ways are felt as merely words, and can´t give the quality an sich that makes the immediate experience irresistible real, the nearest the perceively thinking individual gets to the certainly that he is grasping in direct possession significance itself, unmediated, is in the certitude that he has taken possession of the basic major perceptions, intuitions and realizations communicated with consummate delicacy to the reader in the mastering of the creativite wor of a great writer (LEAVIS, 1998, p.192).
Não é a forma, os padrões, o jogo de palavras, a quantidade de páginas, o teor das imagens, o final da obra, e sim a EXPERIÊNCIA na letra como expressão do vivido e do vívido.
BÍBLIA. Português. Bíblia Sagrada. Tradução João Ferreira de Almeida. Rio de Janeiro: Edição Revista e Atualizada, 1993. Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil.
LEAVIS, F.R. The Critic as Anti-Philosopher: essays and papers. Elephant paperback ed. 1998.
quinta-feira, 10 de junho de 2010
Quando crescer, vou ser Arquivista!
A revista “Ciência Hoje das Crianças”, em sua edição de abril, apresenta na seção “Quando crescer, vou ser...” a profissão de Arquivista. Assinada por Sofia Moutinho, a reportagem entrevistou a professora Anna Carla Almeida Mariz, Diretora da Escola de Arquivologia da UNIRIO e o professor Carlos Blaya Perez, do Curso de Arquivologia da UFSM.
A revista “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” é uma publicação mensal do Instituto Ciência Hoje, da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência – SBPC.
A revista “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” é uma publicação mensal do Instituto Ciência Hoje, da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência – SBPC.
I Reunião Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia
Um produto da I Reunião Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia foi a criação da Sociedade Arquivística, a qual influenciará e auxiliará pesquisas científicas no ramo da Arquivologia.
Segue o texto de Érica Montenegro postado no site da UnB sobre o assunto.
Pesquisadores em Arquivologia criam sociedade científica
Depois de três dias de encontro na Universidade de Brasília, professores, alunos e pesquisadores de Arquivologia de todo o país decidiram criar uma sociedade científica sobre o assunto. A 1° Reunião Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia terminou nesta quarta-feira, 9 de junho, com o compromisso assumido pelos participantes de aumentar a articulação entre os pesquisadores da área e fortalecer este campo do conhecimento.
Para elaborar as bases para a criação da sociedade científica foi criado um grupo de trabalho. Também foi criado um grupo de trabalho para encaminhar as questões pelativas à criação de um mestrado em Arquivologia. Os pesquisadores definiram ainda local e data da próxima Reunião Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa. Será em 2011 no Rio de Janeiro. “Foi muito importante para aumentarmos a articulação e prepararmos a criação dos cursos de pós-graduação na área”, avaliou Georgete Medleg Rodrigues, presidente da comissão organizadora do evento e professora da Faculdade de Ciência da Informação da UnB.
Atualmente existem 15 cursos de graduação em Arquivologia no Brasil, mas não há programas de pós-graduação na área. “Temos de defender as teses e dissertações em outras áreas do conhecimento, o que diminui a visibilidade da Arquivologia como ciência”, explicou a professora da UnB Angélica Alves da Cunha Marques. Desde a iniciação científica, ela estuda a produção científica sobre Arquivologia.
Em levantamento feito no portal do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Cnpq), Angélica listou 77 dissertações e 10 teses que tiveram a Arquivologia como tema. “A maioria delas foi enquadrada dentro das áreas de História e Ciência da Informação”, explicou. “Precisamos fazer valer a recomendação do Cnpq que determina a criação de cursos de mestrados e doutorados na nossa área”, defendeu.
Professor da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UniRio), José Maria Jardim foi ainda mais contundente. “Estamos na periferia da periferia do conhecimento”, afirmou. “Mudar esta realidade depende da nossa articulação”, disse.
Na terça-feira, 8 de junho, ele apresentou levantamento que aponta a Ciência da Informação como 67° lugar no ranking de financiamento de pesquisa do Cnpq entre os períodos de 1998 a 2009. Para o órgão de fomento, a Arquivologia está dentro do campo da Ciência da Informação. “Para que a pesquisa em Arquivologia sobreviva precisamos mudar esta realidade”, completou.
PANORAMA - A sociedade científica, provisoriamente batizada de Associação Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia, vai organizar os grupos de pesquisa, dar visibilidade às teses e dissertações e promover eventos para os pesquisadores. “Historicamente é assim que os campos de conhecimento se estruturam, por isso estamos optando por este caminho”, explicou a professora Georgete Medleg Rodrigues.
O último encontro da área havia sido realizado há 14 anos. A semana foi financiada integralmente pela UnB, com recursos da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade (FACE), Faculdade de Ciência da Informação (FCI) e dos decanatos de Graduação (DEG) e de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação (DPP). “Conseguimos trazer pelo menos um representante de cada curso do país, o que nos permitiu traçar um panorama nacional sobre o assunto”, comemorou Georgete.
Segue o texto de Érica Montenegro postado no site da UnB sobre o assunto.
Pesquisadores em Arquivologia criam sociedade científica
Depois de três dias de encontro na Universidade de Brasília, professores, alunos e pesquisadores de Arquivologia de todo o país decidiram criar uma sociedade científica sobre o assunto. A 1° Reunião Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia terminou nesta quarta-feira, 9 de junho, com o compromisso assumido pelos participantes de aumentar a articulação entre os pesquisadores da área e fortalecer este campo do conhecimento.
Para elaborar as bases para a criação da sociedade científica foi criado um grupo de trabalho. Também foi criado um grupo de trabalho para encaminhar as questões pelativas à criação de um mestrado em Arquivologia. Os pesquisadores definiram ainda local e data da próxima Reunião Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa. Será em 2011 no Rio de Janeiro. “Foi muito importante para aumentarmos a articulação e prepararmos a criação dos cursos de pós-graduação na área”, avaliou Georgete Medleg Rodrigues, presidente da comissão organizadora do evento e professora da Faculdade de Ciência da Informação da UnB.
Atualmente existem 15 cursos de graduação em Arquivologia no Brasil, mas não há programas de pós-graduação na área. “Temos de defender as teses e dissertações em outras áreas do conhecimento, o que diminui a visibilidade da Arquivologia como ciência”, explicou a professora da UnB Angélica Alves da Cunha Marques. Desde a iniciação científica, ela estuda a produção científica sobre Arquivologia.
Em levantamento feito no portal do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Cnpq), Angélica listou 77 dissertações e 10 teses que tiveram a Arquivologia como tema. “A maioria delas foi enquadrada dentro das áreas de História e Ciência da Informação”, explicou. “Precisamos fazer valer a recomendação do Cnpq que determina a criação de cursos de mestrados e doutorados na nossa área”, defendeu.
Professor da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UniRio), José Maria Jardim foi ainda mais contundente. “Estamos na periferia da periferia do conhecimento”, afirmou. “Mudar esta realidade depende da nossa articulação”, disse.
Na terça-feira, 8 de junho, ele apresentou levantamento que aponta a Ciência da Informação como 67° lugar no ranking de financiamento de pesquisa do Cnpq entre os períodos de 1998 a 2009. Para o órgão de fomento, a Arquivologia está dentro do campo da Ciência da Informação. “Para que a pesquisa em Arquivologia sobreviva precisamos mudar esta realidade”, completou.
PANORAMA - A sociedade científica, provisoriamente batizada de Associação Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia, vai organizar os grupos de pesquisa, dar visibilidade às teses e dissertações e promover eventos para os pesquisadores. “Historicamente é assim que os campos de conhecimento se estruturam, por isso estamos optando por este caminho”, explicou a professora Georgete Medleg Rodrigues.
O último encontro da área havia sido realizado há 14 anos. A semana foi financiada integralmente pela UnB, com recursos da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade (FACE), Faculdade de Ciência da Informação (FCI) e dos decanatos de Graduação (DEG) e de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação (DPP). “Conseguimos trazer pelo menos um representante de cada curso do país, o que nos permitiu traçar um panorama nacional sobre o assunto”, comemorou Georgete.
terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2010
Kangatarians jump the divide
Kangatarianism is on the rise for the eco-conscious, writes Tayissa Barone.
There's a new semi-vegetarian wave emerging in Australia: people who exclude all meat except kangaroo on environmental, ecological and humanitarian grounds. They call themselves kangatarians and are slowly growing in numbers.
Samantha Vine, 32, classifies herself as a kangatarian, making the choice to only eat kangaroo meat after years of being a vegetarian.
She made the decision 10 years ago while studying ecology at the University of Sydney. Her lecturer was a kangaroo meat advocate and introduced her to eating a meat he claimed was better for the environment than bred livestock.
''It's not worth the pleasure of eating meat if it hasn't been treated well, I don't want to be part of that,'' Vine says.
''To eat something that's killed humanely, that's better for the environment, is a positive.''
The low level of greenhouse gas emissions produced by kangaroos, and the fact they require no additional feed, water or land cleared for them, make them an obvious choice for the ecologically conscious.
A lecturer in natural resource management at the University of Sydney, Peter Ampt, believes many environmentally aware Australians are turning to kangaroo meat because they see it, essentially, as living a natural life.
Ampt says it is the ultimate in free-range, organic meat.
''The animals dies instantly, without the knowledge of what's going to happen and there are no drugs used in its production,'' Ampt says.
Kangaroo is often described as the animal of choice for those who exclusively eat organic meat.
A project officer at the University of Sydney, Sarah Doornbos, says she has made an educated decision to make a good percentage of the organic meat she eats kangaroo.
''In the Australian environment, I feel it's the thing to do,'' she says. ''They are less destructive on the land than something like cattle.''
The industry has struggled with misconceptions about the meat since 1993, when it became legal to sell for human consumption in NSW. There is still a belief kangaroo is farmed, for example, which is not true. There is no shortage of cut choices with strip loin, rump, diced kangaroo, tail, shanks, racks, mince and sausages.
The kanga banga, or kangaroo sausage, is becoming a favourite on barbecues according to the owner of Sam the Butcher, Sam Diasino.
Diasino sold out of his signature sausages - spiced with cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and tomatoes - in the lead-up to Australia Day.
''We've had a growth in types of meat that have a bit of stigma attached to them, ones which people are curious about,'' he says. ''Kangaroo is a very healthy meat and we place a huge healthy slant on the way we sell it.''
Vine's kangatarian lifestyle choice has rubbed off on her friends, with many of them now eating kangaroo regularly.
''Once I started I couldn't get enough,'' she says.
''After being vegetarian for so long, after a certain amount of time I craved some meat.''
She still has to explain to people what a kangatarian is but a rise in awareness of organic meats might soon make it a little easier.
There's a new semi-vegetarian wave emerging in Australia: people who exclude all meat except kangaroo on environmental, ecological and humanitarian grounds. They call themselves kangatarians and are slowly growing in numbers.
Samantha Vine, 32, classifies herself as a kangatarian, making the choice to only eat kangaroo meat after years of being a vegetarian.
She made the decision 10 years ago while studying ecology at the University of Sydney. Her lecturer was a kangaroo meat advocate and introduced her to eating a meat he claimed was better for the environment than bred livestock.
''It's not worth the pleasure of eating meat if it hasn't been treated well, I don't want to be part of that,'' Vine says.
''To eat something that's killed humanely, that's better for the environment, is a positive.''
The low level of greenhouse gas emissions produced by kangaroos, and the fact they require no additional feed, water or land cleared for them, make them an obvious choice for the ecologically conscious.
A lecturer in natural resource management at the University of Sydney, Peter Ampt, believes many environmentally aware Australians are turning to kangaroo meat because they see it, essentially, as living a natural life.
Ampt says it is the ultimate in free-range, organic meat.
''The animals dies instantly, without the knowledge of what's going to happen and there are no drugs used in its production,'' Ampt says.
Kangaroo is often described as the animal of choice for those who exclusively eat organic meat.
A project officer at the University of Sydney, Sarah Doornbos, says she has made an educated decision to make a good percentage of the organic meat she eats kangaroo.
''In the Australian environment, I feel it's the thing to do,'' she says. ''They are less destructive on the land than something like cattle.''
The industry has struggled with misconceptions about the meat since 1993, when it became legal to sell for human consumption in NSW. There is still a belief kangaroo is farmed, for example, which is not true. There is no shortage of cut choices with strip loin, rump, diced kangaroo, tail, shanks, racks, mince and sausages.
The kanga banga, or kangaroo sausage, is becoming a favourite on barbecues according to the owner of Sam the Butcher, Sam Diasino.
Diasino sold out of his signature sausages - spiced with cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and tomatoes - in the lead-up to Australia Day.
''We've had a growth in types of meat that have a bit of stigma attached to them, ones which people are curious about,'' he says. ''Kangaroo is a very healthy meat and we place a huge healthy slant on the way we sell it.''
Vine's kangatarian lifestyle choice has rubbed off on her friends, with many of them now eating kangaroo regularly.
''Once I started I couldn't get enough,'' she says.
''After being vegetarian for so long, after a certain amount of time I craved some meat.''
She still has to explain to people what a kangatarian is but a rise in awareness of organic meats might soon make it a little easier.
quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010
Reflexões de Shirley Carvalhêdo
Em uma recente conversa entre amigos num botequim, no meu caso regada a guaraná, surgiu o assunto "Bíblia"; (n)a Verdade, sobre qual era o livro predileto da Bíblia de cada um dos ali presentes. Um amigo que, embora consciente e conhecedor profundo do sagrado e mesmo assim prefere o profano, respondeu que seu livro predileto é Lucas. Isto me chamou atenção: Por que logo Lucas, dentre tantos outros livros interessantes?
A partir desta conversa e autoindagação, passei a (re)ler o livro de Lucas e pela luz do E.S. descobri nele alguns aspectos bem interessantes. Um destes aspectos é a essência do golpe fatal de Satanás que consiste em iniciar as suas frases citando a Verdade com a inserção de pequenas mentiras, transformando-as em (In)verdades. Apresenta aos indivíduos esta fórmula “poderosa e atraente” com o objetivo de destruir almas, e isso faz desde a criação. Em Gênesis, capítulo 2, nos versículos 16 a 17, temos explícita a ordem dada por Deus sobre o comer o fruto do bem e do mal.
[...] Você pode comer as frutas de qualquer árvore do jardim, menos da árvore que dá o conhecimento do bem e do mal. Não coma a fruta dessa árvore; pois, no dia em que você a comer, certamente morrerá. [...] (Grifo Nosso)
No Jardim do Éden, o pensar, o querer, o efetuar em Deus representava a consciência do homem e da mulher. O casal conversava diretamente com Deus. Confiavam em Sua direção e caminhos, primavam pelos Seus ensinamentos e Verdades. Entretanto, o comer do fruto representava um detalhe grandioso, uma verdade inegável, a morte, a separação da consciência entre Deus e Sua criação, o encerramento do diálogo direto e do caminhar confiante nas direções de Deus, no bem. O homem e a mulher seriam diretamente responsáveis por suas escolhas, consequências e prejuízos. Seria a origem da consciência interna do ser humano. A consciência interna representava uma negação da externa, daquela que era fruto da ligação com Deus. O rompimento com a Consciência Divina tornaria os seres humanos enfraquecidos e propensos a caírem constantemente nas artimanhas de Satanás, que estava bem ciente desses efeitos. Então, elaborado o golpe, declarou a Eva, capítulo 3, versículo 1 a 4:
[...] É assim que Deus disse: Não comerei de toda a árvore do jardim? É certamente que não morrereis. Porque Deus sabe que no dia em que dele comerdes se vos abrirão os olhos e, como Deus, serei conhecedores do bem e do mal. [...] (Grifo Nosso)
Satanás inicia a sua frase citando o que Deus disse, e, logo depois, insere um pequeno “não”, tornando a Verdade de Deus em uma inverdade, destruindo a advertência e o ensinamento Divino. Igual exemplo apresenta-se em Lucas, capítulo 4, versículos de 9 a 11, em sua tentação a Jesus durante quarenta dias quando Este, por equivalente período, jejuava no deserto.
[...]Depois o diabo o levou a Jerusalém e o colocou na parte mais alta do Templo e disse: - Se é o Filho do Deus, jogue-se daqui, pois as Escrituras Sagradas afirmam: ´Deus mandará que os seus anjos cuidem de você. Eles vão segurá-lo com as suas mãos para que nem mesmo os seus pés sejam feridos nas pedras´.[...](Grifo Nosso)
Perceba que nos versículos anteriores nos quais apresenta duas outras tentações, Satanás as expôs de uma forma direta regadas por condições, iniciadas pela proposição “se”. As condições impostas estavam atreladas às necessidades fisiológicas, no caso a fome, porque Jesus estava em jejum há quarenta dias, e aos anseios miméticos de poder e riqueza, tendo em vista que Jesus, como o filho do Deus Vivo, padecia por conhecer as maravilhas celestiais. Ao ver que suas tentações não surtiram os efeitos desejados, Satanás apelou para o golpe fatal. Citou as Sagradas Escrituras a fim de levar Cristo à queda de seu Espírito.
Outro aspecto relevante do livro de Lucas no capítulo sobre as tentações é a exposição da essência das estratégias e a gradação que Satanás se utiliza em seu diálogo com Jesus. Percebe-se que estas estratégias são as mesmas que ele utiliza em suas ações correntes para nos atrair de forma a camuflar seu verdadeiro intuito, que é o de destruir as nossas vidas e os nossos espíritos. A essência e a gradação são as seguintes: Ele sempre tenta nos atrair pela nossa busca em realizar as nossas necessidades mais preementes, as fisiológicas -, como a fome, o sono, o sexo, o equilíbrio mental, corporal e espiritual. Lembre-se de Eva e a maçã! Depois, Satanás trabalha com os nossos anseios miméticos, do querer o que os outros têm: um carro igual, o poder, as jóias, a casa, os livros, as roupas, o conhecimento, a tecnologia, a estratégia, a beleza, a fama, o corpo, o status. Ele sabe das dificuldades da obtenção ou até mesmo da preservação do ser espiritual e do nosso ter material em qualquer dos tempos pela escolha da via honesta. Ele nos leva à tentação da frustração consequente do pensar que não somos ou não temos, à depressão, a cair e a não se levantar, a se entregar no precipício da mediocridade, da banalidade, da carnalidade e por fim nos abre a porta da opção sem retorno do suicídio, a opção fatal que é a escolha eterna pela inverdade, assim como ele propôs a Jesus.
Em uma recente conversa entre amigos num botequim, no meu caso regada a guaraná, surgiu o assunto "Bíblia"; (n)a Verdade, sobre qual era o livro predileto da Bíblia de cada um dos ali presentes. Um amigo que, embora consciente e conhecedor profundo do sagrado e mesmo assim prefere o profano, respondeu que seu livro predileto é Lucas. Isto me chamou atenção: Por que logo Lucas, dentre tantos outros livros interessantes?
A partir desta conversa e autoindagação, passei a (re)ler o livro de Lucas e pela luz do E.S. descobri nele alguns aspectos bem interessantes. Um destes aspectos é a essência do golpe fatal de Satanás que consiste em iniciar as suas frases citando a Verdade com a inserção de pequenas mentiras, transformando-as em (In)verdades. Apresenta aos indivíduos esta fórmula “poderosa e atraente” com o objetivo de destruir almas, e isso faz desde a criação. Em Gênesis, capítulo 2, nos versículos 16 a 17, temos explícita a ordem dada por Deus sobre o comer o fruto do bem e do mal.
[...] Você pode comer as frutas de qualquer árvore do jardim, menos da árvore que dá o conhecimento do bem e do mal. Não coma a fruta dessa árvore; pois, no dia em que você a comer, certamente morrerá. [...] (Grifo Nosso)
No Jardim do Éden, o pensar, o querer, o efetuar em Deus representava a consciência do homem e da mulher. O casal conversava diretamente com Deus. Confiavam em Sua direção e caminhos, primavam pelos Seus ensinamentos e Verdades. Entretanto, o comer do fruto representava um detalhe grandioso, uma verdade inegável, a morte, a separação da consciência entre Deus e Sua criação, o encerramento do diálogo direto e do caminhar confiante nas direções de Deus, no bem. O homem e a mulher seriam diretamente responsáveis por suas escolhas, consequências e prejuízos. Seria a origem da consciência interna do ser humano. A consciência interna representava uma negação da externa, daquela que era fruto da ligação com Deus. O rompimento com a Consciência Divina tornaria os seres humanos enfraquecidos e propensos a caírem constantemente nas artimanhas de Satanás, que estava bem ciente desses efeitos. Então, elaborado o golpe, declarou a Eva, capítulo 3, versículo 1 a 4:
[...] É assim que Deus disse: Não comerei de toda a árvore do jardim? É certamente que não morrereis. Porque Deus sabe que no dia em que dele comerdes se vos abrirão os olhos e, como Deus, serei conhecedores do bem e do mal. [...] (Grifo Nosso)
Satanás inicia a sua frase citando o que Deus disse, e, logo depois, insere um pequeno “não”, tornando a Verdade de Deus em uma inverdade, destruindo a advertência e o ensinamento Divino. Igual exemplo apresenta-se em Lucas, capítulo 4, versículos de 9 a 11, em sua tentação a Jesus durante quarenta dias quando Este, por equivalente período, jejuava no deserto.
[...]Depois o diabo o levou a Jerusalém e o colocou na parte mais alta do Templo e disse: - Se é o Filho do Deus, jogue-se daqui, pois as Escrituras Sagradas afirmam: ´Deus mandará que os seus anjos cuidem de você. Eles vão segurá-lo com as suas mãos para que nem mesmo os seus pés sejam feridos nas pedras´.[...](Grifo Nosso)
Perceba que nos versículos anteriores nos quais apresenta duas outras tentações, Satanás as expôs de uma forma direta regadas por condições, iniciadas pela proposição “se”. As condições impostas estavam atreladas às necessidades fisiológicas, no caso a fome, porque Jesus estava em jejum há quarenta dias, e aos anseios miméticos de poder e riqueza, tendo em vista que Jesus, como o filho do Deus Vivo, padecia por conhecer as maravilhas celestiais. Ao ver que suas tentações não surtiram os efeitos desejados, Satanás apelou para o golpe fatal. Citou as Sagradas Escrituras a fim de levar Cristo à queda de seu Espírito.
Outro aspecto relevante do livro de Lucas no capítulo sobre as tentações é a exposição da essência das estratégias e a gradação que Satanás se utiliza em seu diálogo com Jesus. Percebe-se que estas estratégias são as mesmas que ele utiliza em suas ações correntes para nos atrair de forma a camuflar seu verdadeiro intuito, que é o de destruir as nossas vidas e os nossos espíritos. A essência e a gradação são as seguintes: Ele sempre tenta nos atrair pela nossa busca em realizar as nossas necessidades mais preementes, as fisiológicas -, como a fome, o sono, o sexo, o equilíbrio mental, corporal e espiritual. Lembre-se de Eva e a maçã! Depois, Satanás trabalha com os nossos anseios miméticos, do querer o que os outros têm: um carro igual, o poder, as jóias, a casa, os livros, as roupas, o conhecimento, a tecnologia, a estratégia, a beleza, a fama, o corpo, o status. Ele sabe das dificuldades da obtenção ou até mesmo da preservação do ser espiritual e do nosso ter material em qualquer dos tempos pela escolha da via honesta. Ele nos leva à tentação da frustração consequente do pensar que não somos ou não temos, à depressão, a cair e a não se levantar, a se entregar no precipício da mediocridade, da banalidade, da carnalidade e por fim nos abre a porta da opção sem retorno do suicídio, a opção fatal que é a escolha eterna pela inverdade, assim como ele propôs a Jesus.
domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2010
Implantação de um novo sistema de saúde nos Estados Unidos
Para quem ainda não entendeu a problemática relacionada à implantação deste novo sistema de saúde nos Estados Unidos, é interessante visitar o site de Rush Limbaugh.
Internado recente com dores no peito, Rush deu uma entrevista clarificando a importância da manutenção do sistema de saúde atual.
The Rush Limbaugh Show is the most listened to radio talk show in America, broadcast on over 600 radio stations nationwide. It is hosted by America's Anchorman, Rush Limbaugh, also known as: America's Truth Detector; the Doctor of Democracy; the Most Dangerous Man in America; the All-Knowing, All-Sensing, All-Everything Maha Rushie; defender of motherhood, protector of fatherhood and an all-around good guy.
There is a "consensus" among the American people, who have made this the most listened to program, that it is also the most accurate, most right, and most correct. People who disagree with this are Rush Deniers.
You can call The Rush Limbaugh Show program line
between 12 Noon and 3PM Eastern Time at: 1-800-282-2882
You can e-mail Rush at:
You can fax Rush at: 212-445-3963
You can write Rush at:
The Rush Limbaugh Show
1270 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Internado recente com dores no peito, Rush deu uma entrevista clarificando a importância da manutenção do sistema de saúde atual.
The Rush Limbaugh Show is the most listened to radio talk show in America, broadcast on over 600 radio stations nationwide. It is hosted by America's Anchorman, Rush Limbaugh, also known as: America's Truth Detector; the Doctor of Democracy; the Most Dangerous Man in America; the All-Knowing, All-Sensing, All-Everything Maha Rushie; defender of motherhood, protector of fatherhood and an all-around good guy.
There is a "consensus" among the American people, who have made this the most listened to program, that it is also the most accurate, most right, and most correct. People who disagree with this are Rush Deniers.
You can call The Rush Limbaugh Show program line
between 12 Noon and 3PM Eastern Time at: 1-800-282-2882
You can e-mail Rush at:
You can fax Rush at: 212-445-3963
You can write Rush at:
The Rush Limbaugh Show
1270 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
BACABA - Memórias de um Guerreiro de Selva da Guerrilha do Araguaia

Autor: José Vargas Jiménez
Número de páginas : 136
Você quer saber a História do Brasil que ainda não foi contada sobre como foram EXTERMINADOS e onde estão os guerrilheiros do Partido Comunista do Brasil(PC do B),mortos e desaparecidos, bem como os militares que morreram na Guerrilha do Araguaia,defendendo este regime Democrático que hoje existe no Brasil? Adquirá o livro BACABA - Memórias de um Guerreiro de Selva da guerrilha do Araguaia.
O autor é o Segundo Tenente da reserva do Exército Brasileiro,JOSÉ VARGAS JIMÉNEZ, cadastrado no Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (CIGS), como Guerreiro de Selva número 702, que vivenciou e participou da última fase da Guerra de Guerrilha do Araguaia no Sul do Pará, entre as Forças Armadas (FFAA) do Brasil, particularmente o Exército Brasileiro (Guerreiros de selva e Para-quedistas) e a Força Aérea Brasileira, e os guerrilheiros da Força Guerilheira do Araguaia (FOGUERA) do PC do B,que queriam impôr à força o regime Comunista no Brasi, como fizeram em CUBA, CHINA, RUSSIA, Etc.
Os fatos relatados são ilustrados com documentos Confidenciais e Secretos do Centro de Informações do Exército (CIE), para provar a autenticidade da realidade vivida pelo Tenente Vargas, à época Sargento que elucidam como se desenvolveu esta Guerra de Guerrilha, desde seu planejamento pelo PC do B (1968 - 1972), até o final, quando foram derrotados (exterminados) pelas Forças Armadas do Brasil. Contém também fotos dos guerrilheiros e militarres que morreram nesta operação, bem como de guerrilheiro capturado vivo pelo autor que hoje consta como "desaparecido" no Araguaia. SELVA
Para receber o livro com frete pago e autografado pelo autor solicitar pelo e-mail:
para esclarecer é: jos onderlaine vargas arroba
sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010
Archives and Archivists in the Information Age
Richard J. Cox
ISBN: 9781555705305
Published: 2005
6 x 9 | 275 pp
In today’s information world, the importance and need for archival collections and professionals to care for them cannot be understated. Noted professor and author Richard J. Cox provides an insightful guide to the new roles, responsibilities, and considerations for archival management. Cox examines the role of archival collections in public scholarship, distance learning, and the digital era. He explores the need for modern organizations that collect historical materials. Chapters guide readers through the creation of job descriptions and the hiring an archivists and consultants. Cox delineates the role of the archivist in the knowledge age; the profession’s changing credentials and specialties; and the growing base of knowledge found in the field’s scholarly works. Informative and timely, this guide contains vital new information for archivists, records managers, students, and all information workers who are interested in understanding the important roles archivists play in modern institutions and the information profession.
ISBN: 9781555705305
Published: 2005
6 x 9 | 275 pp
In today’s information world, the importance and need for archival collections and professionals to care for them cannot be understated. Noted professor and author Richard J. Cox provides an insightful guide to the new roles, responsibilities, and considerations for archival management. Cox examines the role of archival collections in public scholarship, distance learning, and the digital era. He explores the need for modern organizations that collect historical materials. Chapters guide readers through the creation of job descriptions and the hiring an archivists and consultants. Cox delineates the role of the archivist in the knowledge age; the profession’s changing credentials and specialties; and the growing base of knowledge found in the field’s scholarly works. Informative and timely, this guide contains vital new information for archivists, records managers, students, and all information workers who are interested in understanding the important roles archivists play in modern institutions and the information profession.
Ethics, Accountability, and Recordkeeping in a Dangerous World
Richard J. Cox
ISBN: 9781856045964
Published: 2007
6 x 9 | 256 pp.
Archives and records repositories are the safe havens of information. But modern influences such as corporate and government privacy, intellectual property disputes, and ever-changing technologies threaten the integrity of the profession’s work. In this new volume, noted educator and practitioner Richard J. Cox examines the controversial issues that are shaping archives and records management programs and challenging the ethical codes and responsibilities of professionals. The thought-provoking chapters explore public interest and institutional loyalty; authority and electronic records; government information and political papers; changing technology; and more. Always forward-thinking and insightful, Ethics, Accountability, and Recordkeeping in a Dangerous World provides valuable guidance for archivists and records manager wrestling with the big issues of the profession.
ISBN: 9781856045964
Published: 2007
6 x 9 | 256 pp.
Archives and records repositories are the safe havens of information. But modern influences such as corporate and government privacy, intellectual property disputes, and ever-changing technologies threaten the integrity of the profession’s work. In this new volume, noted educator and practitioner Richard J. Cox examines the controversial issues that are shaping archives and records management programs and challenging the ethical codes and responsibilities of professionals. The thought-provoking chapters explore public interest and institutional loyalty; authority and electronic records; government information and political papers; changing technology; and more. Always forward-thinking and insightful, Ethics, Accountability, and Recordkeeping in a Dangerous World provides valuable guidance for archivists and records manager wrestling with the big issues of the profession.
Para aqueles que ainda acreditam que Cuba é um ideal de vida!

Yoani Sánchez escreve um dos blogs mais visitados do mundo, Generación Y, com vários milhões de acessos mensais, mas quase não consegue ser lida em Cuba, onde mora com seu marido Reinaldo Escobar e seu filho adolescente Teo. Quando eleita pela revista Time uma das mulheres mais influentes do mundo, ou quando recebeu o prêmio Ortega y Gasset, seus feitos não foram registrados, muito menos festejados pelo governo cubano. Mas ela não escreve sobre política.
De Cuba, com carinho é um belo livro que narra a vida cotidiana de quem vive na ilha, sofre com a decadência da economia cubana, mas ama seu país. Alguém que não deseja que conquistas obtidas nas últimas décadas sejam jogadas fora, mas acha que o regime envelheceu junto com seus dirigentes. E conta tudo isso em textos cheios de vida, humor e certo amargor, mas muita esperança.
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